A big hello to the IMFC from Charlotte, North Carolina!  I have the honor of writing the first tour diary entry for the first date of Maiden England tour. After a 5 hour flight and only three hours sleep, I finally landed in Charlotte a day before the big show. You would think that with a 5am flight I would be exhausted but I was amazed in how much energy I had. The adrenaline was really pumping and I was amped up and ready to go to the big show. I was also looking forward to seeing both the band and Killer Krew again.

When I got off the plane, I could already feel the heat and humidity  just walking through the terminal (here I go again, going on about the weather). This was my first time in North Carolina and really didn’t know what to expect. This was also Maiden’s first time back since the original “Seventh Son Of A Seventh Tour” in 1988 so I knew it was going to be a special night but I’ll get to all that in a moment.

As you know from previous diaries, I am not that we’ll traveled…well, at least until “The Final Frontier World Tour.” Sad as it is, I’ve never even took the time to see much of my own country so I was curious on what Charlotte would be like.

North Carolina is one of the original Thirteen Colonies until they revolted in the American Revolution and in 1776 declaring independence from the British Empire. And for you car enthusiasts, Charlotte is home to the NASCAR Hall Of Fame with NASCAR racing being declared the official sport of North Carolina.

Anyway, back to my trip. When I got to the hotel I got a call from Ian Day to meet up with him, Peter, John McM and Collie for dinner and drinks. It was great to see them all again, just like old times. Later that night John and I took a cab out to some bar out near the venue and met up with more of the Killer Krew (Squid, Gonzo and a couple of the pyrotechs) for an early nightcap (the Krew had an 8am call time). That whole night I managed to avoid any and all talk about the rehearsal show. I wanted to experience every bit of opening night, unjaded, as it happened, and share the surprise and excitement  with the other 14000 fans.

On the way back to my room, I was pleasantly surprised to run into the Brazilian IMFC members who were at many of the shows in South America. I stopped to chat for a bit and they told me they flew out to see the Charlotte and Atlanta shows.

Opening Night:
After finishing up some work in my room, I  went to the hotel lobby to catch the first car out to the venue. I ran into Bruce and Janick in the lobby bar watching the soccer game. I hadn’t seen them since Florida so it was good to catch up for a bit and then I let them be so they could get back to the game (Germany vs Greece I think). Anyway, it was great to see them again and they seemed really and pumped for show. I then went out front, jumped in the car with Barry D. and John McM and off we went to the venue. As we pulled up, the parking lot was already filling up with the traditional American tailgate parties. We rolled into the production office and, as usual, the Killer Krew were running around and hard at work making sure everything for tonight’s show was in place so everything went without a hitch. The thing about this tour is it is a MUCH larger production than the last tour. While touring with Ed Force One allowed the band to play places they could never get to by bus and truck, only a certain amount of equipment can fit on the plane. Now, with the traditional truck and bus tour, it means much more equipment, a bigger stage set and loads of pyrotechnics. Anyway, it was great catching up with the guys in the Krew. They are all great guys and I was happy to see them all again.  It was also great to meet the new members as well.

Opening the show was the legendary Alice Cooper so I had to go out front and watch some of his set. Alice was in top form and plowed through classics such at “I’m Eighteen,” “No More Mr. Nice Guy” and School’s Out” while Orianthi tore it up on guitar. Great set.










* Spoiler Alert: I must warn you that if you continue, it will be a spoiler for you although I hear someone managed to leak the set list out on the forum. Never underestimate the craftiness of the IMFC.

Just before Iron Maiden were about to go on, I did my usual visit to the front barricade to grab a few photos of the different flags and banners as well as talk to some of the familiar faces holding up at the front.

Before you knew it, the wait was finally over. “Doctor Doctor” blasted over the PA, signaling that the band was about to hit the stage. The lights cut, the intro played, then the band hit the stage with full force, launching into the show opener “Moonchild,” as 14,000 fans erupted all at once. I got those familiar goosebumps as I watched everyone up front head banging while they sang every lyric at the top of their lungs, some with tears in there eyes.

The band continued with “Can I Play With Madness,” as the crowd continued their sing along with Bruce , and then BAM, the intro to “The Prisoner” began. You would think the show was at its peak but this was only the first three songs!

After that I decided to go halfway back so I could take in everything and really get the full feel of the massive stage show and production they brought with them this time around. For the next 2 hours I wanted be with all the other fans singing and cheering and wondering what song was coming next.

The audience was fantastic. As I walked around, I could see the emotion on their faces as they sang along to every song, some of which hadn’t been played since 1988 before many of the audience were even born. The band, as alway, took notice and played off this energy and emotion. The other thing I noticed about this particular show was how much fun the band were having. Bruce, being in a playful mood and having fun with pyros during “Phantom Of The Opera,” was one of my many highlights of the show. Other favorite moments include the epic “Seventh Son of A Seventh Son” and “The Clairvoyant.” It was during these numbers I realized how well the pyros were used to enhance, not overpower the songs unlike many bands who go way overboard with pyro and explosions, making that the show. But don’t get me wrong. There is plenty of fire, explosions and sparks to warm up the crowd. Not to mention several appearances from Eddie with my favorite being “Seventh Son” Eddie. I won’t spoil it but it does have a wicked really quality to it.











As I stood there watching, I was once again overcome with the realization of how lucky I am to be associated with the Iron Maiden family. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. And believe me, I am always asked to by both the IMFC members and close friends. I am one lucky fan.

As the show came to a close, I was just about to head to the back so I wouldn’t get left behind when “Churchill’s Speech” came piping through. I decided to stay put. I wasn’t about to miss “Aces High” and glad I didn’t. They exploded onstage like it was the first number of the set!

After the show ended, off we went, back to the bar for some drinks. Rod, Adrian, Janick, Barry, Kevin Shirley and I were all sitting around discussing everything from the show to dogs and foxes. Ian Day, John McM. Peter and Collie soon settled at the bar followed by Dave, Steve, Bruce and Nicko. It was a nice mellow evening with everyone in good spirits and happy with the way the everything went.

Soon the bar started to close so I decided I should get to my room and start on this diary while everything was still fresh in my memory. Before I left I found myself in a conversation about salmon fishing with Barry and Adrian. Soon Dave joined and we started talking about that film “Salmon Fishing In Yemen.” On Dave’s recommendation I may have to rent it!

I soon made the rounds, said my goodbyes and told them I’d catch up with them in Los Angeles and off I went.