The first track and single from the forthcoming album is the WICKER MAN. This will go to radio / rock clubs Worldwide soon and will be released as a single in many countries in early May – UK release is currently scheduled for May 8. There will be a selection of B-sides recorded live on the Ed Hunter Tour last year. We are still working on the details so bear with us and we will announce more as soon as we have confirmed them.

…and believe it or not, they’re in it too!

On Sunday and Monday nights this week we shot the video in LA with Dean Karr directing. Despite pretty difficult weather conditions – yes, pissing down in LA so no suntans yet – the band had a great time working with Dean and his crew – including Eddie. We haven’t recieved all the photos yet from Dean as they had to be printed and couriered so we’ve scanned the contact sheets – here are a few shots to whet your appetites. It’s gonna be a video to remember.

Eddie greets Dean Karr!

When we get all the shots next week we will put plenty more up for you along with a diary of events in LA – Ross Halfin was also out doing shots – and some info on Dean who is certainly the hottest video director around at present – and also a mega Maiden fan so he really knew how to get the best for us.

More soon

– Rod