Steve netted in the first half and his son George came on to score in the second! George plays for Maiden Youth team!

Then, on Sunday 22nd Maiden won the Soccer Six tournament organised by Cup promotions by beating a Radio 1 team in the final 3-2!

Steve netted 4 goals on the way to the finals. Adrian played really well too and the team was cheered on by manager Nicko!B ut the star of the team was ex–West Ham player Mark Robson who was fantastic! Mark plays for the Maiden X1 on regular occasions in their league games as does Tony Newton and also Martin Bell of Bell and Spurling fame. Peter Mac And Alex the keeper have also played for Maiden in past games and tournaments.

The two guests players were Ralph Little and Jeff Brazier who also played fantastic.!

Both games were to raise funds for charity.
Well done to all the team!
Up the Irons!

Pics by George Chin and Jeff Daniels.