When we started the BRAVE NEW WORLD TOUR it was the band’s and my intention to give you all a real insight into the tour, with on and off stage pics and videos, diaries etc similar to what Laz and l did on the ED HUNTER TOUR US leg in July last year. Except of a more professional standard and even more of it. All this was supposed to be timely and to be current with the tour. However as may of you may well have noticed this did not happen at all as planned.

(BUT didn’t NICKO do great with his regular diaries – after a while on tour its sometimes tough on the road to get together anything you don’t REALLY have to, so thanks Nick!)

So, as Laz is much too busy running Eddie’s Megastore and the fan club, l have had to get my trusty handycam out of its box once more. From here on, on this tour, the band and l will do it ourselves – starting now, in Japan. l filmed a load in Yokohama last night and Bruce took the camera on stage and into the wicker man with the virgins during Iron Maiden – you will see the (censored) version soon on this site!! I will film the big Tokyo show tonight too – hopefully all this stuff will be fun for you all – its not just straightforward live shots and tonight sake may play a major role. As l am just not techie enough to edit and send it back to the team online, it will be couriered back to team first thing tomorrow and will be up as soon as possible. Same with the photos – l need to get my Sony stick working!! However after this l’m gonna start “Rod’s Startling Tales of Mayhem in Japan” so keep an eye on the usual place.

I head back to the UK on Wednesday so NICKO will take over the camera main duties ably assisted by the rest of the guys. Now this could be fun so don’t miss it. It will all go in one big JAPAN tour section. The tech quality may not be what we originally intended but it will be there as quick as we can and it will show you stuff you would NEVER get in the mags and TV.

Some of you will also be wondering what happened to the answers to the Q&A – except for Nick’s – thanks again mate – top marks!!! l suppose you think we don’t know the answers – which may well be the case. But I’m going to give them all out again today and the band will do their best to catch up with this during the rest of this tour. And l will do mine too asap.

So there it is….excuses, apologies, but hope for the future!!!!

Whilst the road reporting end has not been as we hoped and planned, the home base gets more populated and the team goes from strength to strength.