As Maiden fans know, I recently took part in our Truants Charity Bike Ride in Morocco, 3 days and  120 miles of heat and dust out of Marrakesh and into the foothills of the Atlas Mountains. We were once again raising much needed funding for three Children’s Charities –  Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy, Childline and The Teenage Cancer Trust. I’d like to say a huge thanks to all the Maiden fan club members who bid in the auction which raised over £11,000 for these three very worthy causes.

I would also like to send a heartfelt thanks to every one of you who sponsored me via my JustGiving page. Every penny you donated has helped make a difference to these young people’s lives and believe me it is very much appreciated by everyone concerned. If you haven’t yet but would like to,  it’s never too late to help, just to

To date the 40 of us on the ride have raised over £288,000, or £96,000 for each of the three Children’s Charities. We have now completed the website of the Ride and if any of you are interested just go to and click on bike rides. When Andy “Fellini” Matthews has finished the video we will post it  instead of the current short, but pretty funny (if you know the haka) trailer

Thanks for your interest and terrific support

Very best wishes

