It’s that time of year again where we dig around in cupboards and find some goodies for Rod to auction for charity! This year we’ve freed up some wall space here at Maiden Towers, with SEVEN classic gold discs up for grabs. Plus there are multiple opportunities to join Rod on the mixing desk at Maiden shows on the forthcoming European tour – pretty much the best view in the house!  And in case that’s not enough cool stuff, last time Bruce was in the office we wouldn’t let him leave until he’d written out the lyrics to ‘Two Minutes To Midnight’ and mounted them nicely in a frame. Okay, we actually did that last bit but he did the writing.

You can check out all the items in more detail at

Bidding ends Friday 18th May.

All money raised goes to The Truants children’s charities, split equally between Nordoff RobbinsChildLine and the Teenage Cancer Trust.  You can find out more at

























Rod also wants to pass along another massive and heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported The Truants last year, either through his auctions, the India ride  or the Heavy Metal Truants and their ride to Download. With your help, since Rod started The Truants in 2010 almost £3,000,000 has been raised, and the annual Heavy Metal Truants Ride to Download next month will take the total past that magic mark.  If you are interested in joining or supporting that ride go to the Heavy Metal Truants website.

We’ll have some more goodies to auction in about a month – once the tour starts we’ll be nabbing anything we like the look of – all for a good cause of course!