After a lot of deliberation, we can finally announce the name of Maiden’s 757, and the lucky winner of our ‘name the plane’ competition. Over to Rod…

“From well over 2000 entries, Bruce and I chose ED FORCE ONE. ALthough many were quite original in concept, it has a nice ring to it. In the tie breaker pretty well all of you chose to flatter the band! Very nice of you! Anyway, we chose WILSON‘s entry – “Timeless, inspirational, continually evolving, but always true to themselves, camaraderie that survives the evil that men do!” – I like the reference to camaraderie as I feel that it’s something the Maiden and their fans are very much about.”

So big congratulations to WILSON who’ll soon be sinking a few beverages with Rod backstage before watching the gig from the mixing desk as well as getting some goodies like a tour jacket a personalised signed pic of the plane. (Signed by the band, not by the plane, obviously.)

We’ll also be sorting out runners up prizes for the 15 other people who chose the same name!