Chemical Wedding will be showing at Amsterdam’s 25th Fantastic Film Festival, screening on April 17th at 18:10April 21st at 17:50 and April 23rd at 18:10.

Pathe Tuschinski
Reguliersbreestraat 26-34
1017 CN Amsterdam

Directod Julian Doyle will introduce the film and answer questions at the first viewing on April 17th.

Chemical Wedding is also screening on 17th April at Midnight at the  Gloria Radhuspladsen 59, Copenhagen

21st April at 19.00 at the Palads Ved Vesterport, Copenhagen (Julian Doyle will introduce the film and answer questions)


23rd April at 23.00 at the Vester Vow Vow Absalonsgade 5, Copenhagen

Tickets available on

Chemical Wedding will be showing as part of the WEEKEND OF FEAR in Nuremberg, Germany. Weekend of Fear is an important independent film festival for all things horror, thriller and science fiction.

Chemical Wedding will be showing on May 2nd, 10pm at the Manhattan Cinema, Nuremberg. Julian Doyle will be in attendance.