The current wave of Maiden activity continues with the re opening of EDDIES BAR in Santa Barbara de Nexe in Portugal’s Algarve.

With respect Steve had left the bar closed for over a year following the sad death of his long time friend Manu da Silva who died from cancer in May 2005. (A presentation for Manu and the Moto Club is planned later in the year).

The bar opened on the 18th July ready for the Moto Clube of Faro Rally and concert on the 20th-24th July and is now open for the summer season.

Eddie’s Bar Normal Opening times are 1900 – 0200 Wednesday to Saturday (Check locally for any Special opening events.)

Steve has asked Dave Sullivan to manage the new venture with Jeff Daniels and Terry Rance. Fans will be familiar with these names from the interviews from the Early Days DVD. Dave and Terry were the two founder member guitarists and Jeff was the one and only roadie at the time back in 1975.

Steve says: I can’t think of any body more suitable for this task than Dave Terry and Jeff. As they bring over 30 years of history of the band with them. There was great sadness when Manu died and disappointment when the bar closed and I am very pleased they have agreed to carry the bar on.

Dave says: This is great privilege, over the years I have been a band member, on recent tours a fan and now part of the Eddies Bar Experience. An important factor in re-opening the bar is welcoming the fans from all over the world back to this fine establishment and completing the maiden family again. We have many very old and new items to display in the bar, plus competitions and limited edition prizes to be won.The excitement of this is like our first gig at the Cart and Horses pub back in 1975. We also look forward to welcoming all the local people of Santa Barbara de Nexe and the Algarve to this new meeting place.

Jeff says: Relaunching Eddies Bar is a very exciting opportunity for Dave, Terry and myself, the opening of the bar on the 18th of July is the culmination of 8 months of discussion, meetings and planning to get this project off the ground.
We have a great team in Siann Oram and Charlie Taylor waiting to welcome you, and I am looking forward to meeting the fans in a friendly atmosphere down on the Algarve and sharing the Eddies Bar experience.

Terry says: I think this will be a great opportunity to get to meet Maiden fans from all over the world. And to be part of Iron Maiden once again. Looking forward to seeing you all.

Special thanks for all the behind the scenes help:
Russell Oram and Krysia of Algarve Vacation.
Information – [email protected]
Loraine, Danny and Tony Sullivan.
Janet Freedman.
Siann and Charlie.
Steve and Sue Lazarus
Tasha at Bravado.
Steve Harris and family.

Watch this space for further news.
Dedicated to the Memory of Manu da Silva.

(Photos, – Eddie attack, New paintjob, Terry holding up Steve at the bar. Pheobe (ED of security.), Dave and Jeff and our new bar crew Siann and Charlie.)

Eddie's Bar