As well as everyone else on our 757 we have now added a seven man documentary crew who, as in their note below, are asking for Maiden fans in the many cities we play in Feb – Mar to contact them to be a part of this. This will be such an incredible and exciting tour that we agreed with Scot and Sam’s proposal to document this so if you see cameras following us around everywhere and around the stage you now know why!! A record of this is something that the band and myself would love to have and we are feel that many of you fans may feel hopefully feel the same – there has never been a tour quite like this before!. More details later but below a note from the guys at Metal History and the contact email address.

Directors Scot McFadyen and Sam Dunn of Banger Films Inc. (creators of the critically acclaimed, award-winning documentary Metal: Headbanger’s Journey and its soon-to-be-released follow-up Global Metal) are looking for Iron Maiden fans to be part of a feature documentary that will follow the first leg of the band’s upcoming Somewhere Back in Time tour during February and March.

On Feburary 1, Iron Maiden and their 70-strong road crew will embark on their most ambitious tour ever. They will load into a specially refitted Astreaus Boeing 757 decked out in iconic Eddie artwork and carrying 12 tons of equipment. For this first leg of the tour, they will then fly over 70,000 km to 21 cities across 4 continents, playing to over 400,000 fans in just 45 days. All this with lead singer/commercial pilot Bruce Dickinson at the helm.
For the official tour documentary, Scot and Sam will follow the band in the air and on the stage, giving viewers behind-the-scenes and front-and-centre access to the most anticipated metal tour of 2008. They are now seeking Maiden fans in India, Australia, Japan, North America, Central America and South America to be part of this historic mission. If you’re a die-hard Maiden fan who is attending one or more concerts on the first leg of the upcoming tour (February 1 to March 16 2008) and are willing to be interviewed on camera about your passion for all things Maiden, please email [email protected] and tell us why YOU should be in this movie! All ages encouraged.

Up The Irons!