Having spent a wonderful day at the Cannes Film Festival on Saturday premiering his ‘Chemical Wedding’ film, Bruce is now on his way to Texas, USA for the opening show of the second leg of the ‘Somewhere Back In Time World Tour’ in San Antonio on Wednesday 21st May.

A full report from Chemical Wedding at Cannes will be posted shortly, but meanwhile Julian Doyle, film director and co-screenwriter, is appearing in London this Friday for the launch of the Chemical Wedding book at Atlantis – a bookshop which was frequented by Aleister Crowley himself…

Friday 23rd May 2008
Atlantis Bookshop
49a Museum Street, London WC1A 1LY.
7.30pm till 9.00pm

Director Julian Doyle will be there to sign copies of the book and they also plan to show ‘the making of’ Chemical Wedding so head down and check it out.