We have now totalled up and received all of the winning bids from our Clive Burr auction and have managed to raise nearly £8000 which will go to the Clive Burr MS Trust.

Bids were received from around the world. The Stage Eddie was bought by an eager Japanese Fan and is currently getting ready to be shipped all the way to the Far East. We are not sure yet what the winner is going to do with his huge Eddie Head and arms but we will be asking him to send us some pictures when Eddie arrives at his new home in Japan.

Last week the winning bidder of the Signed Iron Maiden Fender Guitar (signed by all members and Clive…the only one in existence!) came in to Iron Maiden HQ to be presented with his guitar by one of the three amigos, axe man Janick Gers!

Rob Davis who comes from Woking in Surrey, made the trip in at the management’s invitation to receive his new prized possession and we thought it would be great if one of the band gave it to him. No doubt he is now the envy of many a Maiden fan around the world. Rob has played guitar on and off for a few years, largely thanks to listening to Maiden in his youth and is lucky enough to own a number of very nice guitars although I think this will take pride of place now.

Rob was chuffed to bits to be finally meeting a member from one of his favourite bands and Janick extended the invitation for Rob to have a look around backstage the next time the band play in London which was an added bonus.

Right now there are no plans to repeat the auction in the near future but we received so many bids, questions and best wishes that due to demand we may have to raid the bands houses again next year!

We would like to again to extend a very large thank you to everyone who bid on the auctions and the many messages of support for Clive.