A selection of reviews from the Aussie gigs. I think we can call that tour a success…

Drum Media (Perth)
“Iron Maiden will never grow old, sell out or lose their balls of steel. Iron Maiden scream like no other, perform like no other and rocked the socks off Perth like no other”.

Rave Magazine (National)
“Maiden vault out onto the stage to a universally enraptured response at the sold out Burswood Dome. Quite simply the band is magnificent — the Egyptian-themed Powerslave stage set, the lighting and pyrotechnics and the ten foot Somewhere In Time Eddie figure that strides out onto the stage – Iron Maiden combine what is without a doubt the finest live performance my eyes and ears have beheld. Strolling exhaustedly back towards Melbourne’s city lights I feel I understand just a little of what it is that drives so many folks to leave home and hearth, time and time again, to follow this band around the globe”.

Drum Media (National)
Its not easy to write a review when left speechless after a gig, but it must be done… At 9.15pm Iron Maiden graced Sydney for the first time in a couple of decades in explosive fashion and delivered one of the best live performances, I, and no doubt, any of the 20,000 avid fans have witnessed.

“An Iron Maiden show really is something else..never have I seen or heard so many fans sing an entire set, word-for-word and scream, chant and clap in unison.. it was the engaging interaction with the crowd achieved through an electrifying entrancing performance from all members that the evening became magic.”

X-Press Magazine (National)
“the vibe at Burswood Dome was one of the most positive and happy of any show you could attend”…Iron  Maiden were on fire, following Aces High with Two Minutes To Midnight. You just couldn’t wipe the smile off your face”

Beat Magazine (Melbourne)
“They’re an event band of the highest magnitude and metal shows of this calibre can’t soon be forgotten”

InPress magazine (Melbourne)
“..one would be expecting something pretty f**king spectacular. And sure enough, as the night unfolded, the greying lords of metal delivered a most fantastic show of epic proportions”…exploding onto the elaborate, multi-tiered, golden-jewelled, mummy occupied Egyptian stage, the lads burnt through classic after classic, perpetuating the awesomeness (as if pyrotechnics, fireworks, 14 foot walking mummies weren’t ridiculously fantastic enough already)”.

“The four guitar horsemen stood tall at the helm of the stage in unison, a sight almost too epic for some minds; Steve Harris reflecting a sceptre of light off his bass, casting a majestic beam upon the capacity audience”

“Iron Maiden aren’t afraid to deliver rock and metal shows in complete excess (in the best way possible) and will stand the test of time as an unsurpassed collection of rock gods”

Daily Telegraph (Sydney)
“The band did not disappoint. It was more a military attack than a concert with the band spraying the crowd with metal pellets in the form of ‘greatest hits’ with punishing precision”

“After 33yrs together, Iron Maiden still sonically soar higher than most”

Canberra Time (Canberra)
“When the band hit the stage the release of tension in the house was enormous. And Iron Maiden did not let anyone down. The band was in incendiary form”