Dear All,

Just a quick note to say that I hope you’re all safe with your families and following the advice of your Governments and their scientific and medical advisors in these very difficult and tragic times over much of our planet. We all need to help bring an end to this Pandemic by following the advice and helping one another when we can, especially the more vulnerable. We want to see you all healthy and well when we make it to your country. And we want to see you as much as you want to see us!

I also wanted to let you know that I’ve been speaking to all the band and they are all safe and isolated indoors and send you all their very best wishes to stay safe and healthy.

As we get any new information about the planned shows we will continue to post it here. This is of course a very difficult situation and no-one can truly predict what will happen but we will continue to keep our options open while we see what develops and, l hope, make sensible decisions. And we will keep you the fans informed at the appropriate times. So please bear with us.

So for now,  take care of yourselves and BE SMART

– Rod