Our competition winners have been kind enough to do a quick write up of the trip to Cannes to see Chemical Wedding, plus we have some photos from the day for you to enjoy…

We had a completely awesome day in Cannes.

Ed Force One is amazing — I found it really hard to stop taking photos of it! Sat there stunned for most of the flight just not believing my luck — especially when I opened the special Bruce Air bag and found the Chemical Wedding soundtrack and the Somewhere Back in Time CD. Bit disappointed there weren’t any Ed Force One sick bags to steal though. ;-)

We got to see the Making of Chemical Wedding on the way — well, most of it. The screens were not working properly for a while. Not that we cared too much, in between taking advantage of the free bar and on-board celeb spotting — apart from Captain Bruce, we saw a couple of actors from the film, the director and Rod.

Before the film we hung out at the beach and tried to do some land-based Cannes celeb spotting, but Harrison Ford et al were all hiding out of the rain. Have to say, the film gets better the more you see it — I may have to go back for a third showing when it opens in the UK.

There was a quick, crowded Q&A and then it was time to go home. Bruce managed to get back on the bus in one piece, in between personally guiding the bus out into the mad French traffic, rounding up stragglers and rescuing injured kittens. Well, that’s what it looked like to me.

Many thanks to IMFC for arranging such a cool competition, and thanks for Bruce for flying us to Hell and back.

– Pickle

The IMFC go to the beach!

The movie was entertaining to say the least, I loved how over the top it was with Simon Callow possessed with Aleister Crowley, the massive difference between his character before as professor Haddo to ‘possessed’ Haddo was great.

The shit on the desk was hilarious and some of Callow’s lines were delivered amazingly. Bruce’s appearance is brief, but I noticed it and he has a line or two. My mate Jon didn’t realise / recognize it was him and I had to tell him after we left the screening. I’ll need to watch it again to completely get my head around the ending, but I think that’s a good thing it’ll have ‘rewatch’ value. I feel I must add that the casting of the women for the sexual scenes was very good, I wonder if Bruce was in charge of that lol?!- Maniac618